An introduction to deep learning and federated learning


The goal of this webinar is to give participants a better insight into the type of problems that can be tackled using deep learning and federated learning, illustrated by several real-world examples from a diverse set of domains.

For each method, its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages will be explained in more detail, as well as the most commonly used algorithm(s) to solve a particular industrial problem. 

The aim is to guide the participants in making a conscious choice for the appropriate technique in function of the problem setting at hand, as well as the available data (dimensionality, attribute types, etc.) and the expected model requirements (interpretability, accuracy, scalability, etc.). 


Wed, 28/05/2020 - 14:00 to 16:00



If you are interested in other techniques such as deep learning and federated learning, you might be interested in checking out the other webinars Sirris is organising.